Work all day, try to rush out the door a little early at 4pm, fight rush hour traffic to get to your doctor’s appointment at 4:30 only to find that they are running behind. Then you sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes waiting your turn. You finally get to your room just to wait another 10 minutes for your doctor. Finally, your doctor walks in and talks with you for about 5 minutes and your visit is over. You now must rush home which is 30 minutes away on the other side of town to get dinner started and get the kids going on their homework. Oh, and you get to do it again next month and the month after. Sound familiar? What if there were a better process that accomplished the same results without all the rushing around, waiting and driving? There Is! It’s called telemedicine.
Visits take place online and are very similar to in person visits. All paperwork is submitted through a very simple electronic process and generally takes about 5 minutes to complete.
You are easily able to self-schedule your appointments online making this the simplest process possible.
We have a friendly medical staff that will care for you along your way. Your team may consist of a doctor or nurse practitioner as well as knowledgeable nurses or medical assistants. Your team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have in a timely manner.
We recognize that losing weight is a big challenge and can be mentally crippling at times. Many times, it just takes one obstacle to derail months of hard work & determination. We know that sometimes an inconvenience can be just enough of an obstacle to cause the weight loss journey to come to a halt. Monthly appointments on a busy side of town which require you to navigate heavy traffic, leave work early or find a babysitter can be difficult to overcome. We are trying to alleviate as many obstacles we can to make your journey as successful as possible. These visits can take place in your car, at your office, or out on the patio…wherever is convenient for you! We are eliminating as many challenges as possible. At G2 we are here for you and our patients find that we are far more accessible than a regular doctor’s office.
Visits take place online and are very similar to in person visits. All paperwork is submitted through a very simple electronic process and generally takes about 5 minutes to complete.
You are easily able to self-schedule your appointments online making this the simplest process possible.
We have a friendly medical staff that will care for you along your way. Your team may consist of a doctor or nurse practitioner as well as knowledgeable nurses or medical assistants. Your team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have in a timely manner.
Telemedicine is the practice of medicine using technology to deliver care at a distance. A doctor or nurse practitioner in one location uses a secure, HIPAA compliant to deliver care to a patient at a distant site. At G2 weight loss, we use the best technology available to deliver the best experience and care possible. The process is very simple and easily walks you from one step to the next requiring very little technological know-how. Our patients love this process and how easy and convenient it is. You are not alone in the process, and we will quickly help you with any technology questions or problems that you may have.
Telemedicine weight loss is very safe and are very similar to in-person visits. We will collect a full medical history from you prior to the visit. Your provider will also review all this information before the visit and will have a good understanding of you before even meeting with you. The medications that we prescribe are generally recognized as safe medications and any concerns the provider has for you will be discussed during the visit. If necessary, they may request records from your primary care provider or any specialists that you may see. The G2 team is very accessible for any questions or concerns as well through phone, text, or email. Even if we’re not able to respond immediately, we try to respond as quickly as possible. This is a quote from the American Academy of Family Physicians regarding telemedicine, “The American Academy of Family Physicians supports expanded use of telemedicine as an appropriate and efficient means of improving health, when conducted within the context of appropriate standards of care.”
Visits take place online and are very similar to in person visits. All paperwork is submitted through a very simple electronic process and generally takes about 5 minutes to complete.
You are easily able to self-schedule your appointments online making this the simplest process possible.
We have a friendly medical staff that will care for you along your way. Your team may consist of a doctor or nurse practitioner as well as knowledgeable nurses or medical assistants. Your team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have in a timely manner.
Copyright Telemedicine weight @ 2024